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What is the Ideal Length for a Blog Post in 2021?

The question we all want to know is: How long should a blog post be?

There aren't any defined rules for this, as not every website can (or should) follow the same structure. But if you plan on blogging regularly, it's essential to understand what goes into successful blogging and how your blog posts can benefit from these elements.

The first thing to understand is that blogging isn't just about writing. Yes, you'll need to write the text of your blog post. But it's also crucial that you think through what you want your readers to get out of it and how they'll benefit from reading and that Houston SEO Company professionals will help you.

Longer doesn't always mean better - after all, nobody wants to spend their valuable time reading a wordy blog post that leaves them without any actionable advice.

Why does blog post word count matter for SEO?

Blogging is an awesome way to provide value to your readers, share knowledge with others, and attract more traffic. But if you're new to blogging or don't have much experience, you'll want to know the answer to what is the appropriate blog word count?

People new to blogging often wonder how long their posts should be. There isn't a magic number for this since different types of websites and blogs can (and should) target different audiences and provide value in different ways.

Don't fall into the trap of expecting that longer is always better and create a program for SEO success. After all, nobody wants to spend their valuable time reading a wordy blog post that leaves them without any actionable advice!

So, what's the prime length for a blog?

Again, it relies on a variety of factors. SEO agencies know that you want to provide your audience with value and actionable advice, so it's important that you don't waste their time or scare them away with an extremely lengthy post.

For example, if you're blogging for a B2B business, the length of your blog posts will be different from a company targeting a more general audience.

When it comes to blog post length, there are two key factors you'll want to keep in mind: goal and readability. If you think through your goals and what your readers need, then the rest will fall into place!

The goal aligns with what your reader wants. Your goals may be different from other blogs, and that's okay! But, your goals must align with what your readers need and want. So, ask yourself: What do you want your readers to get out of this blog post?

Readability means you need to think through your goal and what you want your readers to get out of your post. For example, is your goal to provide them with a list of tips or ten ways to improve their life? If that's the case, then keep these points in mind:

  • Use short paragraphs

  • Make use of bulleted lists

  • Avoid vague adjectives

3 Benefits of lengthy blog posts

Blogging isn't just about words - it's one kind of SEO service about providing valuable content to your audience. Lengthy blog posts aren't always better. Still, there are definitely benefits of writing lengthy blog posts.

  • When you write a long post, you can provide more information and valuable tips to your readers. This will benefit them and provide them with the information they're looking for.

  • Longer blog posts are more likely to rank in Google since there is more "valuable" content that Google can use. Given a choice between a lengthy blog post with valuable tips and a short one, which do you think will rank higher? Houston SEO Services keep this in mind when they offer you service on writing long blog posts!

  • Lengthy blog posts also allow you to provide more information about a topic and back up your points with research or examples. This will help readers understand what you're talking about since they'll have the opportunity to explore the subject in depth if they want.

Summing up: It's not about the number!

When it comes to blog post length, you'll want to keep in mind your goal and what you want your visitors to get out of your post. Once you know this, then the rest will fall into place! Blog posts are beneficial when it comes to providing information and value for your audience - which is the most important thing! So, Houston SEO company experts focus on what matters and create blog posts that will help your readers accomplish their goals.



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